

Today was Chase 6 month check up. He had to get four shots and one oral. I get so worried because there is so much hype about the vaccinations. I asked the doctor his opinions and explained to him my concerns. He said unless there is an allergic reaction nothing will happen and that its better to give them together and not spread the pain apart. I went to a class not to long ago on How to Multiply your Baby's Intelligence. The nutritional speaker, who was a doctor expressed his concern about these shots. So who do you believe? You want whats best for you baby and never know if you are doing the right thing. I would never want to knowingly hurt my kids because of a shot mandated by ???? we don't know.. Does the government mandate this or what? I know it keeps them healthy etc. Its better to have them I guess because it would suck if they came down with one of these illness. I am just a worry wart when it comes to doctors and medicine... They always want to put you on something to cover it up and mask the situation instead of finding a solution and make the problem go away. What are your thoughts?

Decided to start blogging

I thought since I am home during the day I would start blogging. I am a stay at home mom for a 7 year old daughter named Astra and a 6 month old boy named Chase. I also have a 20 month old stepson named Marky. I love staying home and taking care of them. I have been looking for a night time job to help but the economy is so bad its depressing me.

I read other people's blogs and love what they have to say and their insight on things. I am surprised to how many bloggers there are out there. I love to talk so this I guess would be the perfect forum. Wish me luck!